Five minutes with…the 2022 Davidson Prize winners

Originally published by New London Architecture, 27 June 2022

David Taylor talks to three of the winning team in this year’s Davidson Prize – Charles Holland, Verity-Jane Keefe and Matthew Morgan about the issues it raises for housing in rural areas… and beyond.

David Taylor  
So, Charles, congratulations! And to all three of you – in fact all four of the team, because we should mention the other key member, Joseph Zeal-Henry from Sound Advice as well. Congratulations on winning! Where were you when you heard the news? And what was your immediate reaction?

Charles Holland
(laughs) We were actually in a room with the organizers of the competition at a London Festival of Architecture event to announce the winner. I have to say it’s the first time I think I have actually gone to something and found out that we’d won on the evening.