Building healthy and inclusive communities: A developer’s perspective

By Martyn Evans, Creative Director Landsec U+I

At the recent Quality of Life Symposium, I addressed something that has been a longstanding assumption of people who watch and comment on the world of development and real estate: the idea that developers don’t care about people’s health and wellbeing. As I said then, I’m here to tell you that this is an outdated notion, and it’s time for a change of perspective.

The world is evolving. Developers must too.

There is a view that we only have ourselves to blame. In the past, it might have seemed like we developers were solely focused on the bottom line, and little else. However, the world has changed, and our approach has evolved with it. Now, I think it’s fair to say that we can’t do our business unless we care deeply about the experience of people who live, work and play in the places we build.

Why is that? Well, ask yourself if a supermarket would stay in business very long if it didn’t care whether people got hungry. It’s unthinkable. Supermarkets exist to provide for a basic human need – to feed people – just as we developers exist to provide homes for people to live in. Surely success for us is happy healthy people living in those homes – because happy, healthy people are better consumers.

The change we are witnessing isn’t just about making money though; it’s about creating value. Happy people make good places, and good places are valuable. As a developer, I see this as an opportunity, not a burden.

So, the question arises: how do we need to change our thinking as an industry to create places that truly deliver for people’s health and wellbeing?