
What do the people of Harlow say they need in their community? How does it stack up with the what the data is showing? And what are the good and bad things about living in new developments in Cambridge, Rugby and Corby? What could developers or local authorities do to ensure better outcomes for people’s quality of life?

These are just some of the things we’ve been finding out in projects talking to residents across the country.  

Here you can see some of the projects we’ve completed. And we’ve got many more underway, including:

  • working with the universities of Reading, Cardiff, Edinburgh and Ulster on a major research project that’s seen urban rooms set up in each location
  • a project funded by Built By Nature to understand the health and wellbeing outcomes of mass timber buildings
  • an exploration of current practices in post-occupancy evaluation for the Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities
  • further Resident Review post-occupancy evaluations for developers
  • a project to test and refine Clarion Housing Association’s Neighbourhood Standard

Read more about our work:

  • Post-occupancy evaluation: Clarion Housing’s 2050 Neighbourhood Standard

  • Community Consultation for Quality of Life (CCQOL)

  • Quality of life mapping: Harlow and Gilston Garden Town

  • Post-occupancy evaluation: Great Kneighton

  • Post-occupancy evaluation: Houlton, Alconbury Weald and Priors Hall Park